Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Natural Remedies for Relieving Constipation

Many people suffer with constipation at one time or another. Constipation occurs when a person is unable to eliminate waste materials from their body or is unable to have any type of bowel movement. There can be any number of factors that contribute to constipation, the main cause though is not eating enough fiber rich foods. Other elements that can contribute to constipation are excessive amounts of dairy produce and fast o processed foods. Not drinking enough water can also be a contributing factor. Below we list the 3 best all natural ways you can help cure yourself of constipation.

1. Fiber. Fiber is an integral part of the human diet and is a great natural way to help you with your constipation. Fiber passes through the body almost unchanged and gives bulk to your stools making them easier to pass.

Foods that are high in this fiber include the whole grains. Fruit and vegetables are also an excellent source of fiber along with brown rice and flax seeds. Fiber supplements are also available over the counter in many health stores and should be used as a supplement to natural fiber, not a replacement.

2. Fluids. When constipated always pay careful attention to your daily intakes of fluids. Water is a necessity not just for curing constipation but for a healthy body. Fluids regulate your bowel movements and make it easier for you to pass material.

Avoid drinks like coffee, alcohol and carbonated soft drinks. These have an effect of dehydrating the body and will not help in any way with constipation.

3. Stimulant laxatives. Don't let the strange name of this one throw you off. Many herbal and dieting teas are referred to as stimulate laxatives. They contain herbs such as rhubarb, senna, aloe and buckthorn. Some of these are proven herbal remedies for constipation and will be sold to over the counter as just that.

These remedies should be used as short term treatments to constipation only as a dependence on them to have frequent healthy bowel movements can be acquired. Generally these herbs should not be used longer than a week except under medical supervision. Caution using these is also advised as over use of these teas can lead to diarrhea or difficulty sleeping.

If you are suffering with constipation and looking for the best remedy we recommend Bowtrol has been found to be a great constipation cure while actively contributing to your body's' health at the same time. Click here to get your Bowtrol now.

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